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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

20th August 2011
Hiking - Walking: Ewhurst - Surrey
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 6/7 miles (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Rob and Hannah came for breakfast and we had pastries and coffee then took us for a tour of the site. It is beautiful and I probably can’t do it justice but there are woods, ponds, fields, swimming pool and adventure playground, bug home!, high ropes, low ropes, zip wire, mud hut, maze, excavations for archaeological digs for ww2 air raid shelter, lots of history about evacuees because it used to be an evacuee camp for boys in the war. There is a shelter building area where they have to build a shelter which is water, wind and bear proof! There are reflectors on some of the trees for night time walks with torches. Over the course of the weekend we saw deer, a grass snake on the pond and these amazing skin cases from where dragonfly larvae have crawled out of the pond and shed their skin on the reeds before flying off!!! I brought one home in a match box and two bright blue jay feathers for Jay (son Dan's girlfriend). Back to the van for spam and egg lunch then set out again to walk to Pitch Hill. Rob had the map in his hand in the building containing all the equipment and said its only a straight line we don’t need that – famous last words! We set off through the beautiful woodland and Hannah told us Surrey is the most wooded county in the country! It was really beautiful with lots of massive houses – very rich area. We walked for miles and got rather lost but ended up at a viewing point near Pitch Hill where we could look out over Surrey hills and the Sussex downs to the sea (we couldn’t actually see the sea but it is possible on a clear day). The weather is gorgeous, as yesterday, but because we were in woods most of the time didn’t get too hot. We walked along another path and passed behind Eric Clapton’s mansion (Hannah’s friend used to live in a house in the grounds and she had visited). Came out near a pub called Pitch Hill so knew we were close but hadn’t got the energy to go uphill any longer! We walked down the road back to Ewhurst and finally back to Robs place. We cooked up some pasta from Tesco with some added bits for tea. Showed them all the stuff we had brought for them and they were really chuffed. Took it all down to his house then Rob took us through the maze which was a lot bigger than I thought and then round the blindfold trail – this was brilliant. I went first, then mag. You had the blindfold on and Rob said instructions on how to get round. (they put the proper groups into pairs who swap over) You hold onto a rope which is threaded round the trees over logs, ladders, through tunnels, across a squidgy mattress and around zig zags. Really makes you think about what it would be like to be blind. Rob is really good at explaining. Then we went on a bat walk which was amazing, you hold this black box which picks up the frequency the bats communicate on by sonar (like Whales) and it was brilliant its like a clicking flapping noise and when they go overhead it is really loud! They are pipistrelle bats. Back to his house to wash up our many pots then back to the van for coffee and had a £1 treacle tart :) and lots of chat then went to bed.

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